ah...I know its been agesss since i last updated my blog but I've been BUSY!!! well..kinda
Exams jut finished!!! *runs around jumping up and down!
yeh...thats right, I'm jumping AND running at the same time! thats how happy i am! lol
Niways...nothing much has been happening tho. Like, there's nothing much to talk about..which could probably be why I haven't really been blogging...obviously there HAS been stuff that has happened (priya...if you're reading this..*wink wink) but its not something I'd write for all you weird people to see! hahaha..so yeahh..gonna leave you in suspense! MUAHAHAHAAA!!!
hah...so like...I'm falling sick..that like..sucks ssooooo baddd!!! My nose is running and my throat is killing me...BUT WHO CARES? THE EXAMS ARE OVER!!!
haih...one more week of school..2 more weeks of work experience and then I'm FREE BABEH FREEEEEE!!! wheeee!!!
okok...as you can probably read, I'm in a pretty good mood...depsite the fact that my nose is killing me..but see, thats what freedom's like! haahaha...
meh...i think i gtg...not gonna waste your time with my ramblings!! love you guys to bits!!! MUAX!!!
ps. Priya..if you're reading this...SEE I UPDATED!!!
pps. whats it like to be featured in my blog? happy eh? text me -or send me a msg if i'm online-after you read this!! heehee!!!