So I'm 2 days in for these glorious times otherwise known as HOLIDAYS!
So far its been pretty good.
On Sunday I went over to my friends house and had a sleepover which was sooo cool! why? Cos she has like this other room which is like, completely disconnected from her house. Meaning its prety much like a little house on its own. Not only is it separate from her house but it also has a TV, a fridge and a microwave...HOW AWESOME IS THAT? the only thing it lacks is a toilet, but i gues nothings perfect eh?
So while we were in there we watched "My Greek Wedding", "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging" (again...cos aaron johnson is TOO HOT) "I love you, man" and half of "Sydney White".
We also played around with make up so I decided to find out what I looked like if i was goth. So I did like dark eyeliner and used that black eyeliner to color my lips in. Then we switched off the lights and i used my flash to take pictures. Result? pale pale PALE alicia with black lips and dark eyes. I would upload them...but then i can't find that adapter thingy...gimme time eh?
So the next day, Monday, we get up at 8! i know...and we go to make cupcakes and quiches. For my friend who was coming over cos it was her birthday. The cupcakes and quiches were AWESOME and before the others came my friend made breakfast for me. She is like a really good cook, maybe its because her dad is a chef...also her mom said she got her cooking skills from her i guess that all plays a part.
When the others arrive we spend some time playing "Sing Star" (i think thats what its called..i forgot) on her PS2 which is pretty much karaoke...except you get scores and after that we played guitar hero.. Which was fun...cos she had the guitar, the drums and the mic. So we could all play..too bad she didn't have bass...but still pretty cool. Then we went on the big trampoline outside her house and jumped around until it was time to go back! :)
Today, Tuesday, i didn't really do much. I kind of just rested. But i did find this pretty cool website which is pretty cool. Cos you can like design your own shoe AND buy it. So the shoe is custom made and sent to you..not to mention its WORLD WIDE so you can get it anywhere! AND the quality is apparently really good. Too bad its waaayyyy pricey! but you can still design for fun and stuff. And its good, cos if you've a dress or something you can't find a match for...YOU CAN ALWAYS DESIGN YOUR OWN!!! :)
gah! I'm turning into a girly girl! hm..nvm...that was fun! heehee
soo...tomorrow I should be going out...if the plan work out...haha..unlike the plan made for today were me and my friends were supposed to go formal dress hunting...or whatever.. i guess i should go now. hopefully the rest of the holidays would be good. :D