FINALLY!! the day has arrived!!! haha...
So I have like monday AND Tuesday off. how AWESOME is that? I KNOW RIGHT!?
too bad its gonna rain tomorrow...haih...
Soo...i had a maths test last Friday...i'm sure you'd be glad to know that i ACED it...NOT!
I almost friggin failed!!! yeah...I KNOW!!!
if its a consolation...the whole of year 10 didn't do too well either. so atleast I'm not like, the worst one. haha...sorta...
had a chemistry test today. Didn't do to hot either...actually quite far from it. hopefully i can at least get a B or something...if i'm lucky! haha...
hm...i don't really know what to say. I had so much to say and once I open this blogger page i blank out. Like in my tests. har har...
NOT! u realize that my blogs are getting worse and worse? sentences are disjoint and whatever...not that the sentences were any good before or anything..hehe...
when I figure out something to say...i'll get back to you!
~Alicia!!! blek!