first things first...congratulations to those who still come to my blog. For those who don't...i don't blame you, since i practically NEVER update my blog.
I'm pretty sure majority of people will fall into the later...but since no one reads this blog, i might as well just babble right? == is the 31st...meaning the last friggin day of 2009! sooo...much has happened this yr its just sad to see it go...
Lets see...what are some of the memorable things that happened...also things that impacted me.
good things...
1.Hmm...for one, our school has grown like DOUBLE from last yr which is hella awesome if you ask me!!! imagine my shock on the first day of school. I thought it would still be like like yr but then WHAM!!!! we have the whole building and there are a lot more students. not that our school is massive (as you all know) but A LOT better...frankly, i'm glad i get to go to school for a couple days before i leave, so i get to see the new kids...haha...though i've already met a couple of them...
2.another the death of michael jackson. Not that i like him or listen to any of his songs but you gotta admit, its one of the "greatest" (not in a good way) thing that happened this year.
3.I also made a ton of new friends...such as grace and karyn! and 2 other "ballerinas" (though i'm not one anymore- but y'know what i mean) erm...i also met a girl with HUGE eyes *you guys should know who...erm...and i got a LOT closer to my friends..which is AWESOME!!!
4.I also got to meet Ai Theeng...close to the end of the year...but i'm soooo glad that i did...cos i missed her soooo much!!! rebekah also came over to stay..which was great too!!! i also got to see emily ( my cousin) which i haven't seen in a long time...which was really good too!!!
5.I also got introduced to a couple of awesome websites...such as, and ....the later 2 are probably some of the FUNNIEST websites i've ever been to.
6.I learnt to play the guitar ( not very well...but still) and the keyboard...
7.and last but not least the fact that i'm moving to australia...haihh...
bad things...
ok, not many...but there are a few...obviously.
1. I've been quarelling a lot more with my parents...major disaster...since they're all the close family i have...and i love them to bits...though it doesn't seem that way a lot. i'm gonna miss them sooooo much...and i'm starting to tear up already...believe it or not...
2. I wasn't able to complete my grade 9. if i hadn't gotten into australia i would have jumped of a now...
3. (related to no.2) my grades have never been worst...i mean NEVER! i have NEVER completed to little lifepacs EVER. I have NEVER gotten such a low academic grade, and I have NEVER not recieved an award for academics. i'm definitely gonna jump of a cliff now. ARGH!!!!
4. i found out that a person i really admired before apparently thinks i'm a huge trouble and have a distructive spirit. you guys should know who i'm talking about, if you know me. haha
5. I have to leave all my awesome friends behind...I'M GONNA MISS YOU GUYS LIKE HELL!!!!
6. Michael jackson died...meaning that all i heard on E! was his death for a really long time..which sucked...
7. I'm moving to australia.
Notice how Australia is in BOTH lists. Yeah...thats kind of how i feel about it. ARGH!!!! just yesterday my parents were nagging about starting to pack and i'm like OMG!!! i'm really leaving!!!! you would think that it has sunk in by now, but it hasn't. Everytime i think about leaving my heart starts beating really fast, and i feel like puking and crying at the same time. yeah...thats how freaked out i am. Especially now, that everything is in all the books are bought, my classes are set, where i'm gonna stay is done. Its all so FINAL! you know what i mean?
Before i got in I was really excited about moving but the moment i left the interview knowing that i ACTUALLY got in I felt weird. And this feeling has been growing and GROWING!!! and then one day i exploded...ask mei hong...then i was ok...then now...i'm just really nervous.
OMG!!!! i'm doing one of those emo posts!!! ARGH!!! sorryyyyyyyy....
anywayyyyyy...just wanna say i'm gonna miss you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!! and a HAPPY NEW YEARRR!!! hahahahahhaha
ps. MUAXES to all!!! haha